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A world of triathlon at your feet

DiR has created a triathlon club, TriDiR, to help you train and improve your competition times alongside people with the same goals as you.

We will help you to prepare for the season by offering dedicated swimming, cycling and running training sessions led by professional trainers and triathletes.

As a member of the club, you can take part in raffles for races and exclusive discounts. Whether training for your first triathlon or if you just want to beat your own times... TriDiR is the club for you!


Perks for TriDiR triathlon club members

  • You will take part in the weekly training sessions alongside other members.
  • You will receive a free pack of Inverse sportswear and accessories every year.
  • You will be entitled to special discounts for members.
  • You will participate in raffles for free entry to various races.
  • You will be prioritised in all the clinics and product tests that we perform.
  • You will have access to all our exclusive content for triathletes.

Have we convinced you to join our TriDiR triathlon club? If you want to join us, send an email to [email protected].


Training and preparation for triathlons

Our timetable is arranged so that you can find specific training sessions each month to improve your times in the transitions and in each of the three disciplines (swimming, cycling and running). We hold weekly swimming and running sessions and get out on the bike at least once a month.

Get your hands on the club’s official Inverse-branded sportswear and accessories

Inverse and DiR have joined forces to offer you the club’s official sportswear and accessories at unbeatable prices: wetsuits, cycling shorts, triathlon suits and training clothing. Use your TriDiR discount at the DiR Diagonal shop and pick your size.

Unlimited access to triathlon content

As a member or the club, you will have exclusive and unlimited access to our content for triathletes, in the shape of our special newsletter for club members and through our DiR triathlon block. There won’t be anything you don’t know...

Club membership conditions

Do you love triathlon and wish to join the triathlon trident club? If you are a DiR member, you can access all the perks and benefits of being a member of the triathlon club for just €79 a year (€119 for non-DiR members). Once a member, you will receive your membership card for identification and to receive your welcome gifts. You will also be able to get your hands on the club’s official sportswear and accessories at unbeatable prices.

